If you are in a long term relationship, eventually you will have to have ‘The Talk.’ The money talk can put a dent in the most successful relationships. Part of compatibility is having the same goals, including financially. We recommend having a basic discussion of where your finances and goals are at around the 6-month mark. At some point you may decide to join finances or open a joint bank account, for this you should wait at least a year, this gives you the chance to see any bad habits come up before hand. Here are a few other important tips for when you bring out the bank accounts.
Matchmaker's Blog
Partners and Pets
Though it may seem small, dating someone who is in a different pet situation than you can have its ups and downs. After all, if you have an allergy issues, or the pet doesn’t like you it can create a barrage of issues where there wouldn’t normally be any. Here a few things we found helpful when dating with pets.
Modern Dating
The world has changed a lot in the last 10-20 years, and dating is changing as well. Here are some important things about dating today that your parents never had to experience. Of course, there are a million ways dating is different today, but these are just a few things we notice the most when talking to our young clients.